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Your support has never been needed more

Donation Options

Sage House Dementia Activities

Thank you for choosing to make a donation to Dementia Support today and helping us to support someone to navigate their dementia journey.

Want to learn more about the impact of your donation?

What is Gift Aid? 

How Gift Aid Works


Gift Aid increases the value of donations by 25%, so it means even more money goes to Sage House and the services we provide to people living with dementia in our community.


Gift Aid is a government scheme allowing charities to claim tax back on donations at no extra cost to you, the donor. You need to be a UK tax payer and pay enough to qualify for Gift Aid. Every donation you make to Dementia Support could be worth a further 25%, making your money and support go further.


So, if you donate £10 and tick the Gift Aid box, the charity can claim an extra £2.50, boosting your donation to £12.50 at no cost to you. That £10 becomes £12.50, £20 becomes £25, and £50 becomes £62.50... the value quickly adds up!

Telephone Us

Please contact our fundraising team. 

Call us on 01243 888691 or send us a message below...

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