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Support Groups

Sage House Frontage and sign

Dementia Support Groups & Training

We have a range of specific training and education sessions provided by the charity and other dementia service providers to ensure the latest dementia knowledge and experience is shared.

These groups are aimed at people living with dementia or those caring for them. To find out more about our Dementia Supporter Awareness Training sessions, please click here. These 45-minute sessions are an opportunity for the public, community groups and businesses to gain awareness, compassion and an understanding of dementia.

One-off Workshops and Drop-In Sessions

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Carers Support Group

Join our carer support group at Sage House. We have a wonderful mix of new to very experienced carers and it is great to share stories, dementia tips and sometimes tears as we all understand that your caring role is very demanding.

Held on the 1st Thursday of every month, 10.30am – 12 noon, at Sage House.

This group is a safe space for you to talk about your caring role in confidence with others in a similar situation. If you don't feel like talking, then you can just grab your hot drink, be in the group and listen. If you feel anxious about attending, please contact a Wayfinder who can support you.

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Ex-Services Support Group

Join our welcoming and inclusive group at Sage House!

If you have served in the armed forces and would like to connect with like-minded people, please come along to our new group.

Upcoming dates:
Tuesday 12th November, 2pm – 3pm
Tuesday 10th December, 2pm – 3pm

Book your place below or call Sage House on 01243 888691. The group is free of charge, however, we welcome donations to Dementia Support.

In-depth courses at Sage House

Sage Minds CST Group Sage Background
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Sage Minds: CST

A new cognitive stimulation therapy course by Sage House. Sage Minds is designed for people with mild or emerging symptoms of dementia.

Cognitive mental activity can lead to new learning, build self confidence and increase cognitive function for a person living with early stages of dementia.

The full course costs £60 (includes all 8 sessions.) Bookings are essential, following a pre-course appointment.​

Course themes:

  • Sound & Vision

  • Early Years Reminiscence

  • Creativity with Nature

  • Digital Familiarisation 


  • Currency and Money Values

  • Travel & Holidays

  • Current Affairs Discussion

  • Team Games & Quiz

To Book

Please call Sage House on 01243 888691 to arrange a pre course application appointment or email

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Empowering Carers Course

​Empowering Carers and Families

A three week informational dementia carers course (2hrs per week) in response to carers need for information. The course content includes:

  • Advice and support for carers who are family/friends

  • A chance to enhance knowledge of dementia

  • Practical tips and strategies for managing dementia

  • An insight into what it is like for people living with dementia symptoms

  • An opportunity for discussion about being a dementia carer

  • Exploring different ways of getting dementia support and maintaining health and wellbeing

  • A chance to meet the dementia support professionals and ask questions​


To book a place, please contact us on: 01243 888691 or email:

Ask your Wayfinder about these groups:

Grief Cafe Forget-me-not flower background
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Grief Cafe

Informal and supportive group sessions held here at Sage House to help you on your journey to healing. These two-hour sessions are held once a month over a three month period. Each session will cover each of these topics: 

  1. Guilt & Grief

  2. Memories & Moving Forward

  3. I'm (Not) Fine & Self Care

In these sessions you will have the opportunity to:

  • Receive specific tailored guidance for your grief journey

  • Speak without judgement in confidence

  • Gain an understanding of healing and wellbeing

Places are allocated by our Wayfinding team and limited to 10 people per session and many of our groups continue their monthly meetings independently once the course has finished. If this is something you are interested in, please speak to your Wayfinder or contact our Wayfinding team on 01243 888691 or email

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My Future Care: Buddy Workshop

Join our free planning workshop including expert advice to help you plan for tomorrow and live for today. These sessions are designed for a person living with dementia to attend with their carer or loved one, to help plan for the future and ensure their wishes are met.

Participants will receive a free "My Care Matters" handbook (usually £15.95), which is "designed to guide you gently through the complexities of planning for later life, with all the information you need to make, record and share decisions around your future."

Places are allocated by our Wayfinding team and limited to 10 people per session. If this is something you are interested in, please contact your Wayfinder, or call our Wayfinding team on 01243 888691 or email

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Other Groups

Open to all

Outreach Sessions - Dementia Support In The Community

Drop into our friendly local sessions for people living with dementia, their carers and those seeking social companionship.

These sessions include well-being activities such as singing, creative activities, chair based exercise and chatting over refreshments. Pop in, make some new friends and chat to our Wayfinders. To view our list of locations and upcoming sessions please click here.


Led by volunteer Paul, our weekly mindfulness activity is perfect for beginners.

Join us every Friday to relax and unwind. Bringing focus to the present moment can relieve anxiety and stress, lift mood, and increase your sense of well-being. Click here to see upcoming sessions and book your place.

Carers Support Group

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