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Gifts in Wills

A legacy gift in a Will helps support many families living with dementia.

Have you considered a Will, or is your existing Will old and needs reviewing?

Having an up-to-date Will is important, whatever your current personal situation is. Your wishes, circumstances, and family arrangements can change over the years, and a Will ensures your personal requests are met after you pass away, your loved ones and the causes you care about are looked after, and the process is made easier for all involved.

Could you consider leaving a gift in your Will to Dementia Support?

By making special provision for Dementia Support in your Will, your gift can help people living with dementia in the future.  Your gift will enable individuals, couples, families, and loved ones to better understand, cope, and be supported through their dementia journey.

Download your Gift in Will Guide

We’ve prepared a free, easy to read guide with lots of information about Wills (including the Frequently Asked Questions) and our Dementia Support charity and the impact your donation can have.  Please download your Giving a Gift in your Will guide or request a copy to be sent by post by contacting Mark via the details below.

Download your free Gift In Will Guide
Dementia Support Gift in Will Guide
Request your free physical copy
Download Legacy Impact Awareness Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions about Wills

Here at Dementia Support, we want to support you in making your Will, and have provided answers to frequently asked questions by people who are unsure or want to know more about making a Will:

External Provider Solicitor Clinics at Sage House

Cameron James Legal and Irwin Mitchell hold free information clinics at Sage House to help with Powers of Attorney (PoA), Wills, and Advanced Directives.

You can book an appointment from Sage House reception desk or over the phone.  You will find advice and guidance on your personal circumstances and how you could progress.

The Impact of your Gift

Fiona, carer of her Mum:

“I would not, and I mean this hand on heart, I would not have got through the last 8 months without their support. I’m very aware of the immense difficulty and isolation a dementia diagnosis can bring and know only too well how vital the right support is. Thankfully, Dementia Support was there for us and is there for the whole family, and they’re determined to be there for the rising numbers of families who will need them in the future, too.” 

“Sage House gave Ella and I special moments together.  I’ve left a gift in my will to Dementia Support in the hope that I can help other couples keep precious memories safe.” Legacy pledger

The impact of your future legacy donation is immense.  It can transform a family’s life and be the building block for all the support given and coordinated through Sage House.  Your future Gift can influence our daily work as well as our long-term future.

It is with great thanks to our kind supporters that we can offer such a variety of services.

Thank you.

Legacy Awareness Event

To find out about our next event, please contact the charity by email or phone 01243 958460

"It is a really good insight into the services, work involved, the staff who support all the families, and how Sage House operates now and their plans for the future.  It’s much more than you think and lovely to talk to others who are considering leaving a gift, and to some of the people who are directly involved."

Request a Free Physical Copy of our Gifts in Wills Guide

Fill out the form below to receive our free Gifts in Wills Guide in the post.

Thank you for submitting, we will be in touch soon.

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