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Urgent Appeal

Don't leave families waiting for a diagnosis without support

In response to the announced cut backs to NHS dementia diagnosis services, we have launched an urgent appeal to ensure those affected are not left without support. 

Waiting for a dementia diagnosis can be agonising for families, as they look to the future with fear and uncertainty. We are asking people to help ensure  families waiting for a diagnosis are not left without support.


We will do absolutely everything we can to fill the gap left by the closing of diagnosis services, including expanding services to meet the growing need. But as a local charity we can only do so with support.


We know this is a difficult time of year to be asking for donations and we’re immensely grateful to those who give to our regular appeals, which mean we can support our current customers and their families when they need it most. However, the sudden and unexpected temporary closure of the dementia assessment service will leave many people in limbo; we know we can help, we want to help but being a young charity means we do not have the reserves in the bank to call on, to enable us to offer the support they will need.

“Bob never really worried about anything, he was always looking on the positive side the whole time.  That was the difficulty with dementia, it affected his personality, and over time his speech and mobility.”


“I arranged an appointment with Jacquie, my Wayfinder.  Jacquie was constantly on the phone supporting me and Bob, with advice, access to other services, and importantly emotional support. I don’t know what I would have done without her.”

- Anne who cared for her husband until he passed away

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