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All Blogs

Lasting Powers of Attorney: Frequently Asked Questions

In this informative video, Senior Wayfinder Tash answers some frequently asked questions about Lasting Powers of Attorney.

What is Vascular Dementia?

In this blog we outline the basics of Vascular dementia, the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer's disease.

What is Frontotemporal Dementia?

Frontotemporal dementia is often one of the young onset forms of dementia, with symptoms usually appearing between 45 and 65 years of age.

Making Travel More Comfortable for People Living with Dementia

Travelling for a person with dementia can be a daunting prospect. Here are some considerations to take before you travel.

Margaret & Arun's Dementia Story

Read Margaret and Arun's dementia story, and how Sage House helped them live well with dementia.

Anne & Bob's Dementia Story

Anne's husband Bob tragically passed away from Alzheimer's, after over 50 years together.

Susan & Simon's Dementia Story

Since losing her husband to dementia, Susan has found support and friendship at Sage House.

Wendy & Richard's Dementia Story

After her husband Richard passed away as a result of dementia, Wendy found continued support and friendship through Sage House.

Jean & John's Dementia Story

Jean and John met over 60 years ago. Today, John is the sole carer for his wife, who lives with dementia.

Dementia and Voting

Everyone with dementia in the UK has a right to vote, no matter what stage in the dementia journey they are at.

The Link Between Infection and Decline In Cognitive Health

Infection can considerably impact cognitive health in people living with dementia. Learn why this is and how to reduce the risk of infection

Early Onset Dementia Symptoms - What To Look Out For

Learn how the early signs of dementia can present in you or your loved ones, and what to do if you are concerned.

What is Lewy Body Dementia?

Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) is the third most common type of dementia. Learn what the symptoms are and how you can make life easier with LBD.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Learn about what Alzheimer's Disease can look like, its progression and how to help someone living with the condition.

How to live well with dementia: Creating precious moments

At Sage House we are committed to helping people to live well with dementia, no matter what stage in the journey they are at. If you are...

Living Alone with Dementia: How to Retain Your Independence

Dementia may cause concern regarding living independently. Here are some changes you can make to stay independent, safe and comfortable.

What is Young Onset Dementia?

Learn about how young onset dementia might present and how to live well with dementia.

How Do You Plan For The Future With Dementia?

Dementia can cause your future to look different to how you once thought. Here are some ways you can plan to live well with dementia.

How to Keep Warm and Well This Winter

Learn how to stay on top of your health and wellbeing this winter.

5 Ways to Enjoy Christmas with a Dementia-Friendly Approach

Find out some ways you can make your loved one more comfortable this festive season.

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