Married for 54 years, Jim and Jo live in Midhurst and have a close and supportive family with two children and three young grandchildren. Jo was a nurse and then an NHS Practice Manager. Jim trained and worked as an accountant throughout his career. Together, they’ve always lead an active life enjoying walking and gardening.

Jim had started to notice some memory troubles whilst working from home on his computer. As these issues increased an assessment by the NHS led to a diagnosis of early Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer’s in 2020.
Jim describes the diagnosis as “the worst thing ever to have happened to me”. He felt a huge loss of control and personal purpose in life, especially when he had to stop driving.
The following two years, as Jim’s symptoms progressed, both his mobility & personality were affected. Jim was feeling incredibly low and Jo was becoming increasingly worried about him. Their local GP suggested they contact Sage House.
Initially, Jim felt anxious about going somewhere new but after meeting a Wayfinder and seeing the friendly and welcoming environment that Sage House had to offer, his concerns quickly disappeared. Now he loves it! As Jo says, “Sage House is such a safe haven for people with dementia, it’s been our lifeline ever since our first visit.”
Through their Wayfinder, Jim and Jo had advice on simple memory aids, access to financial help, applying for Attendance Allowance, and free legal guidance on setting up Lasting Power of Attorney. Wayfinding support has encouraged a shift in mindset and a positive focus upon the activities that Jim can do.
This includes weekly painting groups at Sage House, giving Jo the opportunity to take a break from caring, to socialise in the friendly community café. Jim and Jo regularly have appointments together at the Sage House hair salon & chiropodists, which are peaceful, calm experiences ensuring Jim feels relaxed.
Jo explains “Having a Wayfinder is having someone to show & guide you along your dementia journey. Helping with advice, emotional support, providing tips and coping mechanisms – Wayfinder is such a good name. Trust is a really important aspect and at Sage House we absolutely trust the staff and the support we receive.”
With the support of their Wayfinder, Jim joined the ‘Sage Minds cognitive stimulation’ course - an 8-week programme with each session designed to stimulate memories and conversations. Jo joined the ‘Empowering Carers’ course, helping to guide loved ones through the complexities of dementia. As Jo explains: “The course for carers provided by the team meant that I could understand more of what life is like for Jim and handle situations more easily with better outcomes for us both.”
This spring, the long anticipated sensory & memory garden project began at Sage House. With Jim’s gardening knowledge & experience he naturally became a key volunteer. Jim’s mental health had been declining for some time, and his family were concerned that he was feeling so low and in the depths of despair. Being part of the garden project had a profoundly positive impact, giving Jim a sense of purpose once more. His involvement means he is giving something back to the Sage House community which is so important to him. He enjoys the fresh air, being part of a group, chatting to others and being productive.
“Without the continued help and support by the whole team our lives would be so much more difficult and miserable. Our quality of life is so enhanced by being able to use Sage House. We are so grateful for all you do to help us.”